Dr. Michael Suzman

Best tummy tuck surgery

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The best patient's for tummy tuck surgery have extra skin or looseness of the tissues but are not very overweight. In this case, removing of the entire lower skin and fat, along with Liposuction of the upper and lateral abdomen, helped the outer contour significantly. The plication of the fascia, which is the technique where we oversew the connective tissues between the muscles to tighten the stretched abdominal wall, allowed for a dramatic restoration of her abdomen. Patient to have significant fat content on the inside off the abdomen, known as visceral fat, still have some degree of bulging and roundness of the abdomen. With a body mass index of 25, this patient was able to achieve a better plastic surgery result With Dr. Suzman.

Dr. Suzman tummy tuck



Tummy tuck side view



Plastic surgery post pregnancy


After pregnancy, many women feel the changes to their bodies are signficant and bothersome.  


The top 5  procedures after pregnancies in our practice are:

Tummy tuck

Breast lift, reduction, or implants

Lipo suction

Facial aging treatments with injectables such as Botox, Juvederm or fat grafting

Neck lift 


Many people call these procedures Mommy Makeover surgeries or treatments

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.