- Many people seek fillers such as Juvederm for treatment of lower eyelid bags
- Often the fillers create bumps or increase the fullness of the lower eyelids and do not help much
- If someone has significant wrinkling or puffiness of the lower eyelids, then surgery to remove the extra fat and smooth the skin is likely needed
- Filler is much more useful to support the lower eyelids by elevating the cheek and improving the volume in the malar fat pad area
Lower Blepharoplasty and Cheek Fat Injection
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Here is a woman who felt her lower eyelid bags made her appear tired. She did not ant oo much of a change and decided not to have her upper eyelids treated. Dr. Suzman performed a lower blepharoplasty to lessen the lower eyelid bags and supported the cheek volume with fat grafting.