Dr. Michael Suzman

The Dr. Suzman CBP Facelift for the ideal natural results

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Unbelievably natural face rejuvenation lift by Dr. Suzman on this 52 year old. The CBP ( Chemistry, Biology, Physics) approach to reversing aging and improving skin health was developed by Dr. Suzman to create the most profound anti-aging results with no signs of having had a face lift. In 2 stages, the patient had a combination of the following procedures: Chemistry: Enhance cellular regeneration with Retin A pre treatment then TCA peel followed by long term RescueMD serum twice daily. Biology: Build Collagen and Enhance blood flow the the skin for maximum long tern results with nanofat grafting to the dermis, subcutaneous fat grafting to maximize growth factors, stem cells and tissue regeneration. Physics: Facelift for skin excess excision, SMAS ( muscle and tissue deep plane layer) elevation, and Renuvion helium plasma energy tightening of collagen and skin. Natural filling with her own fat cells to the cheek and lips for volume. No artificial fillers used.

CBP Lift Perfection



CBP Facelift: 18 months postop



CBP Suzman Neck Lift



Facial Treatment Choices

Which of the follwoing do you need?

It is best to meet with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is skilled in ALL of these so they can choose what is best, not just on what they are limited to.


  • Skin Care Creans
  • Retin A
  • Chemical Peels
  • IPL
  • Lasers
  • Fraxel
  • LED light
  • PRP
  • Fat Grafting
  • Facelift 
  • Necklift
  • lip lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Chin augmentation
  • Brow lift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Hair Transplants
  • Fillers
  • Botox


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.