Dr. Michael Suzman

Lower Eyelid Bag Correction with Blepharoplasty and Fat Grafting

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The lower blepharoplasty was performed with sedation anesthesia at the Rye Ambulatory Surgery Center in Westchester Co. NY. A small amount of skin was removed along with a large volume of fat herniation. To help the deflation of the cheek areas below the eyelid, about 5 cc of fat was injected per side from an abdominal donor site. Nano fat was used to help the skin tone and texture rejuvenation. for the best possible blepharoplasty surgery results.

Lower Blepharoplasty



Recovering from eyelid surgery

The recovery process after eyelid plastic surgery (blepharoplasty) is crucial for achieving the best possible results and minimizing complications. Here are some tips to make your recovery as smooth and successful as possible:

    • We provide detailed insturction for the time around surgery. Follow them diligently. They are tailored to your unique situation and are essential for a successful recovery.
  1. Rest and Allow Time for Healing:

    • Rest is crucial during the initial days after surgery. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and bending over for at least a week or as recommended by your surgeon.
  2. Manage Discomfort:

    • You may experience some pain, swelling, and bruising after the surgery. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to help manage discomfort. Follow the prescribed dosage instructions.
  3. Apply Cold Compresses:

    • Applying cold compresses to your eyes can help reduce swelling and bruising. Use a clean cloth or ice packs wrapped in a thin towel for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  4. Protect Your Eyes:

    • Be cautious with your eyes during the healing process. Avoid rubbing or touching them. Wear protective eyewear, like sunglasses, when you're outside to shield your eyes from sun and wind.
  5. Keep Your Head Elevated:

    • Sleeping with your head elevated on multiple pillows can help minimize swelling. This position promotes good blood circulation and reduces fluid buildup.
  6. Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet:

    • Proper nutrition is essential for healing. Drink plenty of water and eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, which can aid in the healing process.
  7. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol:

    • Smoking and alcohol can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It's best to avoid them during your recovery.
  8. Be Patient:

    • Healing varies from person to person, and it may take several weeks to see the final results. Be patient and trust the process.
  9. Attend Follow-up Appointments:

    • Keep all your follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress, remove any sutures, and make any necessary adjustments.
  10. Protect Your Incisions from Sun Exposure:

    • Once your surgeon gives the go-ahead, use sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your incisions from the sun. Sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation.
  11. Resume Normal Activities Gradually:

    • After getting approval from your surgeon, gradually resume normal activities and exercise. Avoid strenuous activities until you receive the green light.
  12. Communicate with us:

    • If you have any concerns, questions, or notice any unusual symptoms during your recovery, contact your surgeon promptly.

Remember that each person's recovery experience can differ, and it's essential to have realistic expectations about the results and the timeline for healing. Following these guidelines and maintaining open communication with your surgeon will help you achieve the best possible outcome from your eyelid plastic surgery.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.