For ppatients with a recessed chin to desire a stronger jawline contour, there are a few surgical options:
The most effective and most common safe option for chin augmentation is using a small implant. It is place under the chin muscle skin and fat tissues. The implants are comfortable, safe, and last tensely forever.
in patients have significant jowl deformities or poor alignment of teeth, sometimes the jaw can be advanced over the chin advanced by reshaping the bones in a procedure called osseous genioplasty. This is less common and often done by plastic surgeons with special expertise in maxillofacial surgery.
For minor advancement of the chin, Dr. Suzman often performs fat grafting procedures. Using Lipo suction from another part of the body, fat is gently removed filter and injected along the jawline and chin which can create a lasting and pleasing difference. The chin cannot be advanced quite as much is as with an implant, but the results can still be wonderful.