- Dr. Michael Suzman has performed over 1000 nasal cosmetic and reconstructive procedures find that one of the most gratifying aspects of plastic surgery practice
- Skin cancers are very common in the nose because of sun exposure to this area. It is a challenge to reconstruct the nose because the skin is usually not very loose, and the nose is a very visible part of the face.
- the forehead flap is remarkable surgery for large and difficult defects of the nose, known as a pedicle flap, because a leash of muscle and blood vessels is retained between the forehead and the nose.
- Requires 2 or 3 surgeries at a minimum in order to repair the nose but the final outcomes can be excellent
- There is always some scarring, though most patients are vastly improved versus the severity of the original defect.
- Being an expert in both cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery and reconstructive surgery allows Dr. Suzman to take care of some of the most difficult challenges in facial plastic surgery
Basal Cell SKin Cnacer of the Nose: Mohs Surgery Reconstruction by Dr. Suzman
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This patient had a large basal cell skin cancer of the nose. She underwent Mohs surgery resulting in complete loss of the nasal tip and part of the dorsum of the nose, exposing the nasal cartilage. This was a devastating defect that required complex reconstruction. The patient was deeply concerned about her overall ability to be out in public and look normal and presentable again. Dr. Suzman performed a forehead flap where the skin and some of the muscle of the forehead was used to recreate the shape and skin of the nose. The first stage of surgery required keeping the forehead skin attached to the lower forehead above the nose to allow blood supply to the new skin. After about 3 weeks, this attachment to the forehead was divided to allow re\re sculpting of the nasal skin. The final outcome demonstrates a dramatic improvement, where the patient looks quite normal again. The donor site skin of the forehead has healed nicely.