Dr. Michael Suzman

Breathing Easy: How Rhinoplasty Enhances Health and Well-Being Beyond Beauty

By: Dr. Michael Suzman


The specialty of plastic surgery has much in common with traditional building architecture in that there is a balance between form and function. Things have to look great and also work well. When it comes to noses, many people who desire to change their shape also have trouble with nasal airflow. Not breathing well through the nose is more than just uncomfortable—many studies show it is detrimental to health.   Mouth breathers have increased rates of sleep apnea, snoring, and low oxygen levels while sleeping. During exercise, nose breathing helps with improved air filtration and humidification, as well as improved oxygen intake, which can lead to greater exercise endurance.

Some researchers have proposed that poor sleep and oxygen deprivation can significantly impact health over a lifetime, potentially contributing to mood disorders, tiredness, worse dentition, and even higher rates of heart attacks and dementia. Studies in children show that mouth breathers might have poor mandible and chin development and higher rates of sinus and ear infections. These health concerns do not mean that everyone should rush off and immediately get a nose job! However, they do highlight the potential benefits of rhinoplasty beyond just aesthetics.

Why do patients with common nose deformities often have breathing problems?

The three main causes are: 

  • Prior trauma 
  • Weak cartilage support 
  • Narrow mid-nose shape

Many undesirable shape issues stem from old injuries, even those sustained in childhood. Bumps, shape imbalances, deviated septums, and crooked noses can all develop. Rhinoplasty surgery to straighten and smooth out the bones, cartilage, and septum can significantly help most people.

Some people have noses with softer or weak cartilage. Sometimes the nose tip is under-projected or curved downward, which can cause the skin to collapse slightly during breathing instead of staying open. Cartilage can be supported and lifted with grafts from the septum or elsewhere with a high success rate.

People who request rhinoplasty for a large nose bump often prioritize aesthetic concerns but usually also experience some degree of breathing issues from “inspiratory collapse,” or narrowing of the nose in the middle during inhalation. This occurs because as the nose is more projected outward, the skin is stretched, and the airway entry becomes narrower. The sides of the nose are like the sides of a tent, and the septum is like the tent pole—the more the tent pole is pushed up, the narrower the angle of the sides. Patients with a narrow mid-nose area below a large nasal bump may also have narrowing of the internal nasal valve angle. During rhinoplasty, when the bump is lowered, there is less tension on this nasal valve, and along with small spreader grafts to support the airflow, nasal breathing can improve dramatically.

To learn more about the best rhinoplasty surgeon practices and airflow enhancement, you are welcome to message us or make an appointment for an in-person or video visit.


nasal fracture causing a bump

Dr. Suzman patient after a nasal fracture causing a bone bump

nose fracture Dr Suzman Patien

Nose fracture causing right deviation of nose curvature of septum and bone. Rhinoplasty by Dr. Suzman corrected this shape deformity along with improv

Dr Suzman Rhinoplasty Surgeon
narrow mid vault nose Dr Suzma

Rhinoplasty and breathing corrected by Dr Suzman: narrow mid nose below nasal bones collapsed with inspiration, corrected with spreader grafts and dor

Dr Suzman Rhinoplasty  Surgeon

Nose with weak and soft cartilage support, so breathing is impaired

Dr Suzman Rhinoplasty

After Rhinoplasty with Dr Suzman this happy patient had an improved shape and breathing from supported tip and upper lateral cartilages

Michael Suzman MD FACS Plastic

Dr. Suzman is one of the region's busiest plastic surgeons, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the face, breast, and body. He sees patients in his Westchester office in Purchase NY and Greenwich CT offices as seens patients from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island and beyond. 

Whether it is a consultation for reconstruction for cancer or an injury or cosmetic surgery of the face, nose, eyelids, breast or body, Dr. Suzman and his staff are dedicated to providing you with the highest caliber of care. Dr. Suzman is also committed to advancing the art and science of plastic surgery and presents and publishes nationally.

"My goal is to provide each patient who entrusts their care to me with the highest level of personal attention, technical expertise and artistic judgment. In our plastic surgery consultation, we will take the time to get to know you and your expectations, desires and concerns. I will outline a care plan that will address your specific needs in order to achieve the natural and refined results you seek. My staff and I look forward to the opportunity to help you attain your plastic surgery goals." - Dr. Michael Suzman

Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery




Dr. Suzman and Helen Reyes

Dr. Michael Suzman and Helen Reyes PA at Westchester office

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.