Dr. Michael Suzman

NY Male Neograft Hair Transplant Success

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Summit Neograft patient before and after pictures demonstrating outstanding result after 1800 follicles were individually transplanted from the back of his scalp to the front and top. Here at Summit Plastic Surgery, Drs.Michael Suzman and Adora Fou are leaders in NeoGraft hair restoration surgery with outstanding record of safety and happy patients.

WESTMED NeoGraft Male Patient



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Neograft Benefits

For patients who desire a completely natural treatment for hair loss or balding, Neograft is an outstanding and safe procedure For both man and women.  We have evaluated patients aged 19-79.

It is vastly superior to the traditional techniques,  known as the strip procedures, that are advertised heavily on television.  Instead of plugs or big pieces of scalp transplanted, each hair is microscopically and individually removed. This means no linear scar in the back of the scalp.  The rate of hair growth is exceptionally high, and indeed every one of our patients treated has shown significant hair growth in the treated areas.

Many patients ask about Neograft costs, and the fees range widely depending on the complexity and amount of hair transplanted. Most patients can expect to pay between$7500 and  16,000 for Neograft hair transplant patient, though secondary and smaller pieces can sometimes be less.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.